
Jackson Keyser

"Bounce-Back" Jack

Jackson Keyser

Apparently, it is very difficult for Jackson Keyser to have back to back disappointing races. In fact, it might be downright impossible! There must be something deep down inside of him that says "I WILL DO MUCH BETTER NEXT RACE!" after his occasional unsatisfying performance. At the District Meet, Jackson was only 17th when he was ranked 12th entering the race. 9 days later, Jackson bounced back to his normal self and was the 8th runner from our district across the finish line. He was the Panther boy that had the biggest amount of improvement in time over the two races as well. Based on his performance at Pasco, he is the 3rd returning runner in our district since over half of those ahead of him are seniors. We can't wait until next year!

Brooklyn Bausch

"The Deep Breath Before the Plunge"

Brooklyn Bausch

is a quote from Gandalf in "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King." However, since there were hundreds of people yelling, it wasn't that "quiet" for Brooklyn Bausch as she crested the top of the hill at the 3 Mile mark at the State Meet, the last race of her HS career. Regardless, she took her deep breath and plunged down the hill towards the finish line, passing several runners, including one Hockinson girl. Because of her efforts, we can blame her for us beating Hockinson by just 6 points. It is all her fault that we are the "unofficial District Champs for the month of November," thus her punishment is being named "Runnerette of the Week" for the State Meet. She was more than happy to accept this punishment, or should I say "honor."