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Lone Ranger Economics

"Learn to Discern!"

Cross Country runners have always been the most intellectual athletic teams in the school system, at least according to my 4 decades of observations. Having smarts is just a start, because you can still lose if you don’t use your intelligence.

Some of you out there have been concerned that jumping in on LGFRFR could be a losing endeavor (one of my favorite words). BTW, Endeavor Silver (EXK) is one of my largest stock positions, and so is Great Panther Limited (GPL). Maybe you should look into those. As included on the LGR maps, there was always a disclaimer that there are no Guarantees… which is true in most of life.

There are no guarantees that it will. There is no guarantee that you will have commencement (June, 2020). There is no guarantee your flight from Denver to Little Rock will not be canceled when you land in Denver (my flight was canceled during the deep south freeze in Feb, 2021). There is no guarantee that the defending state champion from Oregon will finish the last 1K of the race when he is the only runner in front of you (Ask Isaac Stinchfield about how he won his only race in XC). There are no guarantees that your motel room in Sequim will be there waiting for you, even though you reserved it! That was a fun experience in September of 2019!!!

Tragedies and miracles happen. There is always a chance of the unexpected to surface. But we justified “playing the odds” in the previous lesson, as long as the numbers make sense.

For the most part, I have gone “ALL IN” on Silver. I have actually split my “ALL IN” into two directions: Silver and one Crypto-Currency that is already 10x in 5 months. Ask me later which Crypto-Currency it is. I am still buying it and Silver. I still believe that Silver has the potential to do far better than the 10x increase.

Don’t just jump all into Silver, or anything, because me or somebody else that you respect does. Instead, you should do your own due diligence, find out why, and see if it applies to you.

These lessons have:

 1) presented the case that the Silver price is seriously broken, and that it is in the process of being fixed.

 2) presented how profitable it should be and what perspective/urgency we should take to be motivated to capitalize on the situation.

 3) justified that Silver could be a “once in a lifetime” opportunity similar to Biff knowing what would happen in sports, and encourage you to load up the train rather than settle for the minimum.

 4) informed you that the long range pricing chart for Silver has the potential that is “OFF THE CHARTS” (pun intended),

 5) and argued that the immense reward, if this plays out as it should, truly dwarfs the minimal risk.

Concerned about losing? Even Amelia Pullen lost some races. But the fear of losing never stopped her from stepping to the starting line and performing at her very best. Yes, there is a slight possibility that you could lose, but you will never win if you don’t step to the starting line.

Now let me propose that “not playing” is almost a guarantee that you will lose. Consider this: You keep $1,000 in the bank (or credit union) and you are fortunate enough to get 1% interest. Great! You think you will come out ahead. You pull your money out one year later ($1,010) and inflation was 2% (and the signs say it is going to be a whole lot more than that with all the stimulus packages). What you could have bought a year ago for $1,000 now costs $1,020. You just lost 1%. What if inflation hits 10%? You lose 9%. There is probably a 99% chance inflation will outpace your interest rate, therefore you will lose 99% of the time. How about an extreme case, the banks go belly up? This has happened a few times in different countries in the past century, and our current financial house of cards has become rather precarious in recent months. So there is a small possibility that you could lose it all. BTW, if the banks go under and the dollar experiences hyper-inflation, Gold and Silver will rule. In summary, it is my opinion that keeping money in the bank for long-term savings is not only unwise, but is now getting downright scary. I believe Silver is the best safe-haven.

Need a guarantee that you will not lose? Needing a guarantee is the easy way out to just settle for the minimum. May I encourage each of you to do your own due diligence, see the evidence of what is really going on and decide if you should go all in. I have spent hundreds of hours researching this situation. The more I did, the more excited and urgent I became. And the more I dove in.

Side note: I have guaranteed for a few people that they would make at least 10% a year (but I get some of the profit). I am convinced that I would not lose if I guaranteed that you would not lose in these next two years. But that is not what I want for my athletes… to settle for the minimum. I want you to LEARN TO DISCERN what incredible opportunities are, and aggressively go for it, as long as the odds are with you. This will not be the only opportunity in your lifetime to assess incredible opportunities and capitalize on them; I want you to learn how to fish, not just know how to accept a fish as a gift. The former is the best gift I can give you.

I do feel, however, that I have made it easy for you. You do not have to spend hundreds of hours researching the situation like I did. I have taken much of the info and streamlined it in these posts, the LGFLFR website and the AGPDX pages. Spend a few hours combing through the information, articles and videos. Then you will probably want to spend even more time so you can take the train back to 1980 and load up. Start with the Top 10 Reasons to Buy Silver in 2020.

LEARN TO DISCERN! Koy Chaston was very discerning when he noticed the times at Hole in the Wall invitational were a bit out of whack. He researched and discovered that the times were “broken” because of a course change. RESEARCH! NOTICE THINGS THAT ARE BROKEN! FIGURE OUT WHY! PLAY THIS BROKEN SLOT MACHINE AND DON’T JUST SETTLE FOR A ONE GALLON GAS CAN! BECAUSE THE REWARDS CAN BE OFF THE CHARTS! THEN DO IT AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN IN YOUR LIFETIME!

Hi Ho Silver, AWAY!