Bob Beamon - Only need One Chance to Change your Life!
In the 1968 Mexico City Olympics, Bob Beamon was not the favorite. He was not the defending champion (who was in the competition). He was not even the best American. The best American was also in the field, and he was the Co-world Record holder. But in 6 seconds, Bob changed all of that in a phenomenal way.
The prior world record was 27 feet 5 inches. On October 18, 1968, Bob Beamon was the man to leap over 28 feet. That is not so incredible. What is incredible is that he was also the first person to jump over 29 feet. After witnessing that jump, the words of the favorite were as follows: "Compared to him, we are mere children."
Amazed at his performance, he literally collapsed from the intense emotional tsunami that hit him. That jump changed his life. 44 years later, his Olympic record still stands.
We now have the opportunity to do something much easier - change our life in 15 minutes, 16, 17, or maybe 20 or 21 minutes. We have much more time to "Change our life."
A distance runner requires several minutes to complete their performance. A life-changing performance will take 3 to 30 minutes. For long jumper Bob Beamon, he was able to change his life in a mere 6 seconds! You can change your life in just 6 seconds!